Danish Fastelavn and Chinese New Year!
"Fastelavn is the name for Carnival in Denmark. This holiday occurs seven weeks before Easter Sunday and is sometimes described as a Nordic Halloween, with children dressing up in costumes and gathering treats for the Fastelavn feast. The holiday is generally considered to be a time for children's fun and family games." --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnival_in_Denmark
Though Fastelavn was at first introduced to me by my landlady as a holiday for little kids, I discovered later that the students of University of Copenhagen actually celebrated this festival with tremendous enthusiam. Various parties were held for celebration and fun, and later on I learned that it simply became a very fun occasion for families and friends, young and old. I went to a costume party in normal clothes and to my surprise, most people at the party did dress up in fancy clothing (9 out of 10 I think... XD). It's the coolest party I've ever been and had a lot of fun (the following photos are taken by my friends because I did not bring a camera with me :p) 

February 13th is the first time I have ever celebrated the Chinese New Year abroad and not being side by side with my dearest family members. Fortunately, we are a big group and some Danish students also joined us in our celebration. We cooked food so it was a nice New Year after all. 
Wish everyone a prosperous and happy "Tiger Year" ! :)
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