I went to Jena, where FSU campus is laocated, on June 3rd and joined the FSU Jenior Fellow Weekend in Eisenach from June 4th to June 6th. It was a more-than-pleasant experience and I should thank all the FSU fellows for their exceptionally warm-hearted hospitality. :D
A group photo for all four trainees of FSU:Katharina, Doro, Mareike and Mandy. ^_^

I joined the FSU fellows with their campus meeting and Culture Presentation discussion. I think the atmosphere of campus meeting is somehow very similar to ZU campus meeting - relaxing as well as informative, therefore very enjoyable to me and not boring at all. The script for Culture Presentation is a very interesting one and makes me really look forward to FSU's performance at the Symposium.
FSU fellows discussing about CP script:

I also learned that the FSU fellows' roles in the Melton Foundation are not so fixed. For instance, every batch of MFZU has the labor division of one Lead Fellow (Vice Lead Fellow), one SSP coordinator who is in charge of every SSP organization, one accountant, one public relation fellow, and one tech fellow. But in FSU, the roles are not so fixed; SSP proposals as well as other MF events such as the movie festival are largely based on fellows' personal interest and voluntary work. In ZU we also have this project-oriented feature when some new activities are to be held, but usually the clear roles are also part of MFZU's organizational characteristic.
Besides FSU campus work, the JF weekend in Eisenach also has the "bonding function". I learned from FSU fellows that they do not have a Melton Room as ZU fellows do, so there is no common place for them to meet often except for the bi-weekly campus meetings, which is a pity because spending time together in the Melton Room is considered a very good bonding tradition for all ZU fellows.
Therefore FSU fellows said this JF weekend may be a sort of compensation for the lack of opportunities to meet each other more often on campus. After the weekend, we do feel closer to each other and it is a wonderful time together. :-)
Playing Ping Pong:

Finally I would like to thank all the FSU fellows again for making all the meetings in English instead of German, as well as the pleasant stay in Jena and Eisenach, which would be impossible without your company and hospitality~Thanks a lot~