It is already May!! It is officially spring, but the weather is still very very cold in Copenhagen, around 10°C as the highest temperature. I'm told that every year on May 1st, in Fælleden Park (a big nice part in central Copenhagen), there is a big outdoor barbeque/picnic activity that may attract thousands of people. Since May 1st is the International Labor Day, parades and politic speeches about socialism and workers' welfare will "flood the town". :) It is quite interesting to me because I should definitely believe that the welfare for workers here is far better than that for workers of China. In a sense Denmark is a far more socialist country than China.

Generally the traffic condition in Copenhagen is exceptionally good: easy transportation even during rush hours of the day. May 1st was the first time that I experienced traffic jam in Copenhagen because everyone at that time of the day was heading toward Fælleden Park.