"2200" is the post code for that particular neighborhood in whose name this party was held. To give you another example, the post code of my neighborhood is "1366".
The street party contains DJs, outdoor bars, BBQ, and a small music festival called "Clash" containing five bands palying in a huge tent,which looks like the venue for a circus show; all of the activities were located in the street called "Blågårdsgade" and a square near the street. I think there were at least one thousand people on the street at around 11:00 p.m.
I admire the Danish people for they really know how to relax themselves - they just danced to music on the street without any shyness, and everyone could tell from their dance and facial expressions that they were enjoying themselves fully. I remember someone shouting to us "don't be shy; don't be shy". I guess we just had the word "shyness" written on our forehead and that's why everyone knew that we were being shy. It also reminds me of anthor discussion that I had with some Danish friends regarding the topic of "shyness". It seems that the definition as well as reception toward "shyness" are quite different from China to Denmark, or more generally from Asia to Europe - such as (1) how to define shyness; (2) is it a personality drawback or somewhat virtuous? I may do a mini research on it and present the result in later posts. :)
Now back to the story of the street party...Approaching midnight, the streets got more and more crowded, music louder and atmosphere of relaxation rose higher and higher. But because the camera ran out of battery, I am now only able to present you a few photos of earlier times. Hope you enjoy!
